The International Green Expo (Fiera Milano-Rho, 22-24 February 2023) Comments on the situation of Italian horticulture in 2021:
“Italian production and export did very well.Ranking of Italian regions and challenges.”
Milan, 17th January 2023 - Myplant & Garden, the leading international gardening trade fair shares and comments on the latest officialdata available on horticulture in Italy (year2021).
Tuscany, Liguria, Sicily, Lombardy, Lazio, Puglia, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Piedmont lead the rankings of Italian regions with the highest production value in national horticulture, which in 2021 has grown by 5% fromthe previous year.
The value, which corresponds to 2.8 billion euro (4.6% of base price production in Italian agriculture), is the highest onerecorded in recentyears.
Production of flowers and potted plants in 2021 has reached almost 1.3 billion euro (+5.1% from 2020), stemming in part (39%) from the regions in the North-West of Italy and in part (35%) from the South and islands.
The production of nurseries, instead, which reached 1.5 billion euro (+4.9%), came mainly from central Italy.

Horticulture production at base pricesin Italy - 2021

*2,823 according to Eurostat Data source: CREA and ISTAT
Italian production takes place mainly in four regions: Liguria, which is the leader in outdoor flower production; Tuscany and Lombardy, where the main activities as far nurseries that produce ornamental plants are concerned take place; Campania, where companies are specialized mainly in the protected cultivation of flowers.
Tuscany leads nursery production on a national level, with a turnover of 816 million euro (+4% average between2019 and 2020).
Flower production, instead, is led by Liguria with 386 million euro (+4.6% over the previous two years).

Regional data on Italian horticulture: value of NURSERYproduction

Production of flowers and potted plantsdid not register any substantial change.
Regional data on Italian horticulture: value of POTTED PLANTSAND FLOWERS production

Data source: CREA and ISTAT
As previously remarked, Tuscany and Liguria lead the overall ranking of Italian flower and nursery production:
Tuscany (30%)
Liguria (14%)
Sicily (9.6%)
Lombardy (8.9%)
Lazio (6%)
Puglia (5.7%)
Emilia-Romagna (4.8%)
Veneto (4%)
Piedmon (2.75%).
Export grows, the trade balance is doing well Italian horticulture is considered an excellence on an international level. The export of Italian horticulture productskeeps growing. “From our position as leading international business arena for horticulture – comments the leadership at Myplant - we are happy to witness that export, which is pivotal for the development of the industry, has hit a new milestone surpassing one billion euro”. Italy confirms its role as net exporter of horticulture products: the production value of export in 2021 has reached1,143 million euro (903 in 2020). The trade balancestands at 550 millioneuro (423 in 2020). The European Union is the main export destination for Italian products (about 80% of all exports). According Eurostat, the total value of European production in 2021, including flower bulbs and nursery plants, has been 20 billioneuro, of which almost 7 billion came from The Netherlands. 70% of Italian export goes to France, The Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom and Switzerland. The Netherlands (75%), Germany, Spain and Belgium, instead, are the main import countries for Italy. “This is a fact that we had advanced in January last year – remarks the leadership - when we noticed that Italian exports of horticulture products had been growing since the first trimester. Moreover, many companies in the industry had positive feelings about a restart. However, we had also remarked how the regrowth was somehow impeded by the increase in production costs because of the surge in cost of energy, raw materialsfor shipping, transport, and fertilizers.”.
Troubles and opportunities for forty-thousand hectaresof excellence From the beginning of 2022, after overcoming the hard crisis caused by the pandemics, Italian production has been subjected to pressure again. As already remarked by Myplant, inflation, the price of energy and political uncertainty on an international level are hitting companies hard, obstructing production, causing prices to increase, impeding the programming of production and halting international exchanges. According to Coldiretti, the first semester in 2022 export has registered an increase of 9% from the first semester in 2021, but import has grown to 60%, potentially compromising the trade balance for the end of the year. Moreover, according to Assofloro, the surge in energy costs is unprecedented: almost +100% Summer 2022/Summer 2021 for electricity; +80% Spring 2022 over Spring 2021 for fuel; +1,200% July 2022 over 2021 for methane. “All things considered, the exhibiting halls will be packed thanks to the trust and effort of companies, that believe in our trade fair as the place to meet, have new business opportunities, think about the future. We want to think about the future together. Horticulture is an industry that contributes to tackle climate and environment issues, by benefiting the economy, people’s health, and improving the placeswe inhabit. We keep witnessing a growing interest and sensibility towards nature: from politics to architecture, from the valorization of outdoor areas to urban regeneration, with climate change as a red thread. We shouldn’t forget the boom of green living in the domestic sphere, micro-cultivations, and people’s awareness of the connection that plants have with our wellbeing. These are all aspects to which the horticulture industry contributes”. Myplant & Garden – International Green Expo Fiera Milano – Rho | 22-24 February 2023 | cadence: annual | visitors: professional | management office: VG Crea, Milano, Tel. (+39) 02.6889080 - info@myplantgarden.com | www.myplantgarden.com
Myplant & Garden – International Green Expo Press contact Ferdinando Crespi Ufficio Stampa ferdinando@crespius.com info@myplantgarden.com
Myplant & Garden is the most important professional trade fair for horticulture, garden and landscape in Italy. It is the main reference for the Italian industry and international markets. The trade fair promotes green culture, circular economy, environmental protection and green design.